viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2016

Christmas is here!

Christians all around the world celebrate this festivity. Christmas reminds every person that Jesus Christ was born 2017 years ago. Jesus came to the human world to bring us salvation.

Christmas is a time to think over 4 words: solidarity, respect, union and fraternity. After reflecting on the words one is ready to say "welcome!" to Jesus on December 25th.

Some traditions in Christmas time involve the Advent calendar, decorating the house with lights, ornaments & the Nativity scene, baking a gingerbread man and cookies, meals & dinners with all your relativessinging carols, cards & gifts exchange...
In our school, we have done some of them. 

English teachers want to wish you a merry Christmas. We have prepared you some activities to enjoy the festivity during the holidays.

Vocabulary activities:
Songs & carols: